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FlipGive provides a means for fundraisers to raise money through donations, selling merchant offers (such as electronic gift cards, vouchers, and certificates) as well as referral shopping trips to online ecommerce websites.

This document focuses on how to add a BigCommerce store to be listed as an online shopping option for fundraising teams. FlipGive shopping works much like existing affiliate programs out in the market today.

An online shopping offer is set up on FlipGive, with the merchant agreeing to give a % of purchases made online (before taxes and after discounts) to someone running a FlipGive fundraising campaign. The overall process works like this:

  1. Fundraisers get supporters to visit their fundraising page, they are provided a link to visit the BigCommerce merchant’s website.
  2. This link embeds a shopper ID and a secure token which contains the related fundraising campaign information and passes this to the merchant’s website.
  3. The merchant captures this information into the visiting customer’s session, and calls FlipGive’s campaign API with the secure token to pull back relevant fundraising information - this is used to display a popup message re-assuring shoppers that a connection was made between FlipGive and their site. In the background, the token is stored on the user’s checkout.
  4. Once the customer makes a purchase, FlipGive is notified via webhook about details of the order and the token on the checkout is matched with the token on FlipGive and the FlipGive user is issued their cashback amount.
  5. FlipGive captures a breakdown of each transaction and financial reconciliation is then handled on a monthly basis with the BigCommerce merchant.

This document outlines how to integrate the FlipGive BigCommerce app into your store, as well as how payments are reconciled.

To get started, provide your BigCommerce store hash to your FlipGive account representative. They will set up your FlipGive merchant and shop link based on the agreed contractual terms. In the FlipGive system, a shop link consists of:

  • Offer details - description of offer displayed to supporters explaining how they can help the fundraising campaign by shopping online
  • Currency - CAD or USD is currently supported
  • Landing page URL - the merchant’s landing page; this can be the merchant’s homepage or a custom landing page greeting fundraising supporters to start shopping
  • Revenue % splits - that occur when a purchase is made. It is set up in the FlipGive administration panel based on the contract.

Step 2: Install FlipGive’s BigCommerce App (Merchant)

  1. Visit
  2. Click install and login to your BigCommerce store
  3. Click “Confirm” to install

Install the FlipGive app on your BigCommerce store

  1. The installation status page should show all green check marks. If “FlipGive Setup” is not checked off then contact your FlipGive account representative to have them finish setting up your merchant on FlipGive’s platform.

App installtion status on your BigCommerce store

Step 3: Test the integration (FlipGive & Merchant)

Once the shop link is setup, the final step is to test the integration to ensure that:

  1. The links in the Flipgive store are correctly redirecting customers to your BigCommerce store and that once they are in your store their token is being saved and the below modal is shown to the user notifying them that their shopping trip will be given back to their FlipGive team.

Cashback confirmation on your BigCommerce store once app is installed

  1. Post-purchase, once the item has been shipped - BigCommerce notifies FlipGive via webhook that the sale has completed and FlipGive saves the transaction and allocates the cash back portion to the correct fundraising team.

Appendix: Secure Token

A unique token is passed through to the merchant website. The merchant website can then call the FlipGive API with this token will return the set of data in JSON. Note: Secure merchant access credentials will be provided by FlipGive.

A secondary call using the secure token will need to be made to FlipGive to retrieve the following information:

  • Campaign ID: 12345 – unique ID of the fundraising campaign
  • Campaign Name: “Help my basketball team get to the playoffs” – name of the fundraising campaign for display purposes
  • Fundraiser ID (optional): 12345 – the unique fundraiser ID
  • Fundraiser Name (optional): “John Smith” – name of the fundraiser for display purposes
  • Shop ID: 12345 – unique ID of the shopping offer that is being used
  • Shop Percentage: 20 - % revenue split to fundraising campaign; used to calculate a contribution amount at checkout for display purposes, i.e. “20” would calculate 20% of sub-total after discounts and before taxes to show the contribution amount
  • Shop Offer Name: “20% back for online purchases” – name of shop offer for display purposes
  • Buyer ID (optional): 12345 – if the customer AKA supporter was logged in when they clicked the shop option, their FlipGive user ID will also be passed. This is so that a link can be made between their FlipGive and merchant account ID
  • Buyer First Name (optional): “John” - First name of the Buyer if available.
  • Buyer Last Name (optional): “Smith” - Last name of the Buyer if available.
  • Intent ID: 12345 - the intent ID which allows us to map the number of shopping visits to a single click made from FlipGive to merchant site; this ID only changes if they go back to FlipGive and initialize another shop action
  • Active Campaign Share Percent - percentage of funds giving to the campaign while it is active
  • Active Campaign Share Percent Ends On - When the active campaign share percentage will no longer be used.
  • Subsequent Campaign Share Percent - The percentage of funds giving after the “Active Campaign Share Percent Ends On” date.
  • Subsequent Campaign Share Percent Ends On - The date when the “Subsequent Campaign Share Percent” will no longer be used.
  • Campaign Image - The image of the campaign being used.
  • Fundraiser Image (optional) - The image of the fundraiser that belongs to the campaign.