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Brands are FlipGive's object to reflect a merchant's public facing brands, like GAP Inc has OldNavy, GAP and Banana Republic, or Walmart Inc has Walmart and Sam's Club.




Path | /rewards/brands Verb | GET Required Parameters:

  • currency: String, one of ["CAD", "USD"]. No default. Example: /rewards/brands?currency=USD Optional Paramters:
  • page:
    • limit: Integer, defaults to 100, maximum of 5000. Example: /rewards/brands?currency=USD&page[limit]=50
    • offset: Integer, defaults to 0. Example: /rewards/brands?currency=USD&page[limit]=50&page[offset]=50
  • geo:
    • lat: Float, the latitude of a location in decimal degrees. Example: /rewards/brands?currency=USD&geo[lat]=41.8336152
    • long: Float, the longitude of a location in decimal degrees. Example: /rewards/brands?currency=USD&geo[lat]=41.8336152&geo[ling]=87.8967693
    • rad: Integer, a radius in meters where to look for locations of the brand. Defaults to 5 miles when the currency is USD, 5 kilometers when the currency is CAD. Example: /rewards/brands?currency=USD&geo[lat]=41.8336152&geo[ling]=87.8967693&geo[rad]=10
  • filters:
    • department: String, one of the types described in the Link Type table below. To pass more that one value bracket notation as follows: &link_type[]=Brand&link_type[]=Voucher
  • order:
    • name: String, one of ["DESC", "ASC"], will sort links by their name in the requested order.

Note: If geo params are used, the order param will be overridden, and results will be presented in order or proximity from closest to furthest.


The API's response will follow the jsonapi standard. The attributes inside the data object will be as follows:

self: contains the url and params of the current request. next: contains the url and params for the next page of results, if any.


nameStringThe name of the brand, to be prominently displayed.
descriptionStringThe description of the brand.
websiteStringThe Website for the brand.
created_atTimeStampA timestamp of when the brand object was created.
updated_atTimeStampA timestamp of when the brand object was last updated.
logo_urlObjectAn object containing logo options for the brand.
hero_urlObjectAn object containing hero image options for the brand.


  • Sports & Outdoor
  • Fashion & Beauty
  • Home & Office
  • Restaurant & Dining
  • Travel & Entertainment
  • General Retail
  • Food & Groceries
  • Gifts & Specialty
  • Local
  • Services & Utilities
  • Gadgets & Electronics


Before getting started

It is necessary to add an authentication token to access the demo. This token varies depending on the environment (testing, production)...