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Links are FlipGive's object to represent our commertial partner's offerings, and contain key information like where to earn cashback, how it's earned, at what rate, Terms and Conditions, etc.




Path | /rewards/links Verb | GET Required Parameters:

  • currency: String, one of ["CAD", "USD"]. No default. Example: /rewards/links?currency=USD Optional Paramters:
  • page:
    • limit: Integer, defaults to 100, maximum of 5000. Example: /rewards/links?currency=USD&page[limit]=50
    • offset: Integer, defaults to 0. Example: /rewards/links?currency=USD&page[limit]=50&page[offset]=50
  • filters:
    • giftcard_only: Boolean, no default. Setting it to true will return GiftcardOffer, AutoReloadGiftcard and Voucher type links only, setting it to false has no effect. Example: /rewards/links?currency=USD&filters[giftcard_only]=true
    • shop_only: Boolean, no default. Setting it to true will return Brand, TravelShop, BountyShop, GiftcardShop type links only, setting it to false , setting it to false is the same as not setting this value, and has no effect. Example: /rewards/links?currency=USD&filters[shop_only]=true
    • bonus_gives: Boolean, no default. Setting it to true will only return Links with additional cashback, setting it to false will only return Links with no additional cashback.
    • link_type: String, one of the types described in the Link Type table bellow. To pass more that one value braket notation as follows: &link_type[]=Brand&link_type[]=Voucher
  • order:
    • popularity: String, one of ["DESC", "ASC"], defaults to DESC, where DESC will return the most popular link first.
    • name: String, one of ["DESC", "ASC"], will sort linnks by their name in the requested order.
    • gives: String, one of ["DESC", "ASC"], will sort links based on their giveback in the requetest order.
    • created_at: String, one of ["DESC", "ASC"], will sort links based on their creation date.


The API's response will follow the jsonapi standard. The attributes inside the data object will be as follows:

self: contains the url and params of the current request. next: contains the ur and params for the next page of results, if any.


link_typeStringone of [GiftcardOffer, AutoReloadGiftcard, Voucher, Brand, TravelShop, BountyShop, GiftcardShop], the link_types are described bellow in the links types table.
nameStringThe name of the Link, to be prominently displayed. Example: "Walmart eGift Card".
departmentStringone of [Sports & Outdoor, Fashion & Beauty, Home & Office, Restaurant & Dining, Travel & Entertainment, Food & Groceries, General Retail, Gifts & Specialty, Local, Services & Utilities, Gadgets & Electronics], The general nature of the Link, or to be precise, the Link's merchant.
descriptionStringAditional information about the link. Can be null.
termsStringAdditional Terms of Service, if any, that may apply to the Link.
currencyStringOne of [USD, CAD], The currency in which the chashback will be issued.
urlStringThe redirect URL for this link, necesary to identify the user and create the shopping trip. Requires that a identified token be appended relpacing the {{token}} of the string. Example:
earn_cashback_afterStringExplain the event that triggers the cashback earnings.
earn_instructionsStringAdditional earning instructions.
popularity_scoreIntegerA number representing the popularity of the link, where the highest number is most popular.
image_urlObjectAn object containing image options for the link.
image_updated_atTimeStampA timestamp of when the image_url object was last updated.
logo_urlObjectAn object containing logo options for the link.
logo_updated_atTimeStampA timestamp of when the logo_url object was last updated.
square_image_urlObjectAn object containing square_image options for the link in question.
square_image_updated_atTimeStampA timestamp of when the square_image_url object was last updated
baseline_cashback_percentFloatThe Base % amount of the purchase that will be awarded as cashback.
baseline_cashback_centsIntegerThe Base flat amount of currency, in cents, that will be awarded as cashback.
baseline_is_variable_rateBooleanIndicates if there are exceptions to the baseline_cashback_percent.
baseline_variable_rates_descriptionStringDescribes any exceptions to the baseline_cashback_percent.
current_cashback_percentFloatThe % amount of the purchase that will be awarded as cashback, might be higher that baseline_cashback_percent if a comission promotion is applies the Link.
current_cashback_centsIntegerThe Base flat amount of currency, in cents, that will be awarded as cashback. might be higher that baseline_cashback_cents if a comission promotion is applies the Link.
current_is_variable_rateBooleanIndicates if there are exceptions to the current_cashback_percent.
current_variable_rates_descriptionFloatDescribes any exceptions to the active_cashback_percent.
commission_promotion_infoObjectAn object describing any promotion that affects the cashback percents or cents that apply to the Link.
label_promotion_infoObjectAn object describing any promotion that DO NOT affect the cashback percents or cents that apply to the Link, but indicate other offers such a discounts on certain items.
exclusion_purchases_with_gift_cardBooleanIndicates whether the cashback applies if a giftcard is used to pay for the purchase.
is_manual_reloadableBooleanIndicates if a giftcard can be reloaded with additional funds.
created_atTimeStampDenotes when the link was first created.
updated_atTimeStampDenotes when the link was last updated.
deactivated_atTimeStampDenotes if and when the link was deactivated. Can be null.
is_extension_popup_visibleBooleanIndicates if the link will be shown as a popup while using FlipGive's browser extension.
extension_regexStringA regular expresion to be used in conjuction to the browser extension, to identify stores that might award cashback. Additional information on the browser extension here
mobile_browser_typeStringDescribes the type of browser to use on mobile.
giftcard_typeStringOne of [Gift Card, Voucher], denotes if the link has a Voucher, or a Giftcard.
giftcard_instructionsStringAny special instructiosn that a Giftcard or Voucher might require.
giftcard_purchase_limitIntegerThe maximun number of giftcards allowed on a single transaction.
exclusionsStringDetails explaning if any exclusions to the Cashback apply.
exclusion_gift_cardsBooleanIndicates weather the cashback applies to Giftcard purchases.
auto_reload_denominationsBooleanIndicates if a giftcard can be automatically reloaded with additional funds when a certain treshhold is hit.
Brand IDIntegerThe ID of the Brand object the link belongs to.
Average Purchase Delay HoursStringThe Average hours between intent and a sale transaction, inherited from the merchant.
Cashback TimingStringA user friendly string, with some correction factor indicating the expected time to recieve the cashback.

Link types:

BrandOnline retail shopping. Shopping returns a percentage pre-tax and shipping.
TravelShopOnline travel booking. Shopping returns a percentage pre-tax.
BountyShopOnline sign-up or service with a one-time payment regardless of value, usually with no repeat shopping. Returns a set flat rate.
GiftcardShopDigital Gift Card purchased through an online retail shopping partner - rarely offered.
GiftcardOfferDigital Gift Card sold by FlipGive (tender or credit for use at the designated retailer).
AutoReloadGiftcardDigital gift card with the ability to automatically purchase a "top off" to maintain funds once spent.
VoucherDigital voucher (not used as tender; is exchanged directly for a product or service).


Before getting started

It is necessary to add an authentication token to access the demo. This token varies depending on the environment (testing, production)...