Links are FlipGive's object to represent our commertial partner's offerings, and contain key information like where to earn cashback, how it's earned, at what rate, Terms and Conditions, etc.
Path | /rewards/links
Verb | GET
Required Parameters:
- currency: String, one of
["CAD", "USD"]
. No default. Example:/rewards/links?currency=USD
Optional Paramters: - page:
- limit: Integer, defaults to
, maximum of5000
. Example:/rewards/links?currency=USD&page[limit]=50
- offset: Integer, defaults to
. Example:/rewards/links?currency=USD&page[limit]=50&page[offset]=50
- limit: Integer, defaults to
- filters:
- giftcard_only: Boolean, no default. Setting it to
will return GiftcardOffer, AutoReloadGiftcard and Voucher type links only, setting it tofalse
has no effect. Example:/rewards/links?currency=USD&filters[giftcard_only]=true
- shop_only: Boolean, no default. Setting it to
will return Brand, TravelShop, BountyShop, GiftcardShop type links only, setting it tofalse
, setting it tofalse
is the same as not setting this value, and has no effect. Example:/rewards/links?currency=USD&filters[shop_only]=true
- bonus_gives: Boolean, no default. Setting it to
will only return Links with additional cashback, setting it tofalse
will only return Links with no additional cashback. - link_type: String, one of the types described in the Link Type table bellow. To pass more that one value braket notation as follows:
- giftcard_only: Boolean, no default. Setting it to
- order:
- popularity: String, one of
["DESC", "ASC"]
, defaults toDESC
, whereDESC
will return the most popular link first. - name: String, one of
["DESC", "ASC"]
, will sort linnks by their name in the requested order. - gives: String, one of
["DESC", "ASC"]
, will sort links based on their giveback in the requetest order. - created_at: String, one of
["DESC", "ASC"]
, will sort links based on their creation date.
- popularity: String, one of
The API's response will follow the jsonapi standard. The attributes inside the data object will be as follows:
self: contains the url and params of the current request. next: contains the ur and params for the next page of results, if any.
Attribute | Type | Description |
link_type | String | one of [GiftcardOffer, AutoReloadGiftcard, Voucher, Brand, TravelShop, BountyShop, GiftcardShop] , the link_types are described bellow in the links types table. |
name | String | The name of the Link, to be prominently displayed. Example: "Walmart eGift Card". |
department | String | one of [Sports & Outdoor, Fashion & Beauty, Home & Office, Restaurant & Dining, Travel & Entertainment, Food & Groceries, General Retail, Gifts & Specialty, Local, Services & Utilities, Gadgets & Electronics] , The general nature of the Link, or to be precise, the Link's merchant. |
description | String | Aditional information about the link. Can be null . |
terms | String | Additional Terms of Service, if any, that may apply to the Link. |
currency | String | One of [USD, CAD], The currency in which the chashback will be issued. |
url | String | The redirect URL for this link, necesary to identify the user and create the shopping trip. Requires that a identified token be appended relpacing the {{token}} of the string. Example: |
earn_cashback_after | String | Explain the event that triggers the cashback earnings. |
earn_instructions | String | Additional earning instructions. |
popularity_score | Integer | A number representing the popularity of the link, where the highest number is most popular. |
image_url | Object | An object containing image options for the link. |
image_updated_at | TimeStamp | A timestamp of when the image_url object was last updated. |
logo_url | Object | An object containing logo options for the link. |
logo_updated_at | TimeStamp | A timestamp of when the logo_url object was last updated. |
square_image_url | Object | An object containing square_image options for the link in question. |
square_image_updated_at | TimeStamp | A timestamp of when the square_image_url object was last updated |
baseline_cashback_percent | Float | The Base % amount of the purchase that will be awarded as cashback. |
baseline_cashback_cents | Integer | The Base flat amount of currency, in cents, that will be awarded as cashback. |
baseline_is_variable_rate | Boolean | Indicates if there are exceptions to the baseline_cashback_percent. |
baseline_variable_rates_description | String | Describes any exceptions to the baseline_cashback_percent. |
current_cashback_percent | Float | The % amount of the purchase that will be awarded as cashback, might be higher that baseline_cashback_percent if a comission promotion is applies the Link. |
current_cashback_cents | Integer | The Base flat amount of currency, in cents, that will be awarded as cashback. might be higher that baseline_cashback_cents if a comission promotion is applies the Link. |
current_is_variable_rate | Boolean | Indicates if there are exceptions to the current_cashback_percent. |
current_variable_rates_description | Float | Describes any exceptions to the active_cashback_percent. |
commission_promotion_info | Object | An object describing any promotion that affects the cashback percents or cents that apply to the Link. |
label_promotion_info | Object | An object describing any promotion that DO NOT affect the cashback percents or cents that apply to the Link, but indicate other offers such a discounts on certain items. |
exclusion_purchases_with_gift_card | Boolean | Indicates whether the cashback applies if a giftcard is used to pay for the purchase. |
is_manual_reloadable | Boolean | Indicates if a giftcard can be reloaded with additional funds. |
created_at | TimeStamp | Denotes when the link was first created. |
updated_at | TimeStamp | Denotes when the link was last updated. |
deactivated_at | TimeStamp | Denotes if and when the link was deactivated. Can be null. |
is_extension_popup_visible | Boolean | Indicates if the link will be shown as a popup while using FlipGive's browser extension. |
extension_regex | String | A regular expresion to be used in conjuction to the browser extension, to identify stores that might award cashback. Additional information on the browser extension here |
mobile_browser_type | String | Describes the type of browser to use on mobile. |
giftcard_type | String | One of [Gift Card, Voucher] , denotes if the link has a Voucher, or a Giftcard. |
giftcard_instructions | String | Any special instructiosn that a Giftcard or Voucher might require. |
giftcard_purchase_limit | Integer | The maximun number of giftcards allowed on a single transaction. |
exclusions | String | Details explaning if any exclusions to the Cashback apply. |
exclusion_gift_cards | Boolean | Indicates weather the cashback applies to Giftcard purchases. |
auto_reload_denominations | Boolean | Indicates if a giftcard can be automatically reloaded with additional funds when a certain treshhold is hit. |
Brand ID | Integer | The ID of the Brand object the link belongs to. |
Average Purchase Delay Hours | String | The Average hours between intent and a sale transaction, inherited from the merchant. |
Cashback Timing | String | A user friendly string, with some correction factor indicating the expected time to recieve the cashback. |
Link types:
link_type | Description |
Brand | Online retail shopping. Shopping returns a percentage pre-tax and shipping. |
TravelShop | Online travel booking. Shopping returns a percentage pre-tax. |
BountyShop | Online sign-up or service with a one-time payment regardless of value, usually with no repeat shopping. Returns a set flat rate. |
GiftcardShop | Digital Gift Card purchased through an online retail shopping partner - rarely offered. |
GiftcardOffer | Digital Gift Card sold by FlipGive (tender or credit for use at the designated retailer). |
AutoReloadGiftcard | Digital gift card with the ability to automatically purchase a "top off" to maintain funds once spent. |
Voucher | Digital voucher (not used as tender; is exchanged directly for a product or service). |
Before getting started
It is necessary to add an authentication token to access the demo. This token varies depending on the environment (testing, production)...