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fundraisers are FlipGive's object to track a user's activity in the context of a Campaign. A user has many fundraisers, a campaign has many fundraisers, and a user has many campaigns through fundraisers. The combination of user_id and capaign_id must be unique, so a user only has one fundraiser per campaign.


This endpoint can be authenticated with both a partner_token and identified_token containing both user_data and campaign_data.



Path | /rewards/fundraisers Verb | GET Required Parameters: This endpoint does not have mandatory parameters, however, if a identified token is used, the endpoint will return only the fundraiser that matches the user and campaign contained in the token.

Optional Parameters:

  • page:
    • limit: Integer, defaults to 100, maximum of 100. Example: /rewards/intents?currency=USD&page[limit]=50
    • offset: Integer, defaults to 0. Example: /rewards/intents?currency=USD&page[limit]=50&page[offset]=50
  • filters:
    • user_id: String, the ID corresponding to one passed through the identified token.
    • campaign_id: String, the ID corresponding to one passed through the identified token.
  • order:
    • name: String, one of ["DESC", "ASC"], will order fundraisers by their name in the requested order.
    • email: String, one of ["DESC", "ASC"], will order fundraisers by their email date in the requested order.
    • created_at: TimeStamp, one of ["DESC", "ASC"], defaults to DESC, will order intents by their creation date in the requested order.


The API's response will follow the jsonapi standard. The attributes inside the data object will be as follows:


self: contains the url and params of the current request. next: contains the ur and params for the next page of results, if any.


nameStringThe user's name, copied to the fundraiser.
emailStringThe user's email, copied to the fundraiser.
flipgive_user_idIntegerThe ID for the user on FlipGive's database.
flipgive_campaign_idIntegerThe ID for the campaign on FlipGive's database.
partner_user_idStringThe ID of the user, as passed through by our partner on the identified token.
partner_campaign_idStringThe ID of the campaign, as passed through by our partner on the identified token.
created_atTimeStampDate and Time when the fundraiser was created.
updated_atTimeStampDate and Time when the fundraiser wasupdated.
unread_notifications_countIntegerThe total count of unread notifications for the fundraiser.
unread_notifications_by_verb_countObjectThe count of unread notifications by verb for the fundraiser.


broadcast_drippedA message that is dynamically sent when certain conditions are met.
broadcastedA message that is sent to a fixed audience.
commentedA comment has been made in one of the fundraiser's activity feed posts.
creditedA credit has been awarded to the fundraiser.
donatedA donation has been made to the fundraiser's active campaign.
earnedCashback has been earned by the fundraiser.
joinedA new user has joined the fundraiser's campaign.
postedA new post has been made to the fundraiser's campaign feed.