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Rewards API


The Rewards API allows partners to fully customize the shopping experience of cashback offers, and can be used standalone or in conjunction with the embedded/whitelabel storefront solution. Tailoring the display of cashback offers into an application's user experience such that offers are displayed in a native, contextual and helpful manner will drastically increase engagement and conversions. The API is written following RESTful routing and the jsonapi standard. All endpoints require HTTP Bearer Authentication to be used in conjuction with our back end SDKs.


  • Brands Brands reflect a companies public facing brands, Like GAP Inc has OldNavy and GAP, and Walmart Inc has Walmart and Sam's Club. More information on the Brand's endpoint can be found here.
  • Links are FlipGive's object to represent our commertial partners offerings, and contain the information on where to earn cashback, how it's earned, at what rate, Terms and Conditions, etc. More information on the Link's endpoint can be found here.